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Inflammation spectrum and your prevention solution

Did you know disease begins it's process in your body long before symptoms are felt. Long before a health issue is diagnosed, the inflammation has done its damage. Sugar and processed foods that take over your plate and health is often the very first steps to inflammation and disease (type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer).

Prevention is key and can be the solution...knowing how the many systems in your body work as a whole system, not separately but together as one functioning system free of disease. Of course this may sound easy.. but knowledge give you the power to fight disease. Creating your own awareness and being better in tune with what your body needs to function is vital. This will stack your deck higher for true health, and can prevent possible disease, pain, and overall unhappiness.

I'd like to share a podcast with Dr. Will Cole, he talks about why inflammation plagues so many people and how to create awareness to address this issue.

In this podcast with Dr. Mark Hyman's host Dhru Purohit, they discuss how inflammation tends to develop in eight primary systems in the body, and how someone can identify where inflammation is rooted in their body and where they are on the inflammation spectrum.

They also talk about how to design a personalized food and lifestyle plan to alleviate the effects of inflammation and optimize your health. 

Nutrition is your first step to preventing disease. Download and enjoy these Delicious Superfood Smoothie Recipes!



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