Intermittent Fasting with T1D: 7 Ways IF Improves Blood Sugar Control
In this article, we'll explore the concept of intermittent fasting, its impact on insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control.
6 Easy Steps to Prioritize Yourself and Your Diabetes
As a devoted wife, mother, and professional, your daily life may feel like a constant juggling act, leaving you stressed and exhausted...
Good Fats vs Bad Fats? Learn the Best Type for Weight Loss
So here's a list of healthy fats that women in midlife should add into their eating plan, and the unhealthy fats to avoid.
Low Carb Snack - Date Nut-Butter Bites
Key to eating healthier whole foods with balanced macros, (complex carbs/fiber + lean protein + healthy fat) provides us energy on the go!
Diabetes and can't button your pants
How do you feel about your body image living with diabetes, afraid you'll be wearing stretchy leggings for life? Women diagnosed with...
More food, less insulin...what?
Is it really possible to eat more food that will provide energy, need less insulin and still maintain good blood sugars? I know this...
A Busy Woman's Guide To Counting Carbs
The number #1 question I get asked by women recently diagnosed with diabetes and feeling overwhelmed is "How do I count carbs"?